In my current popup camper, a 1994 StarCraft Stardust, the original 90’s blue countertops were in great condition. They could be easily painted or tiled, but for this project I choose to cover the pristine countertops with contact paper. What is contact paper? Contact paper is a sturdy and self-adhesive film of plastic that is…
Category: Modifications/ Up-grades
10 Awesome Advantages of Owning a Popup Camper
Popup trailers come in many shapes and sizes and offer lots of different options with both soft side and hard side elements. Popups are a terrific way to step up into the RV world but without the hefty costs associated with larger RVs. Of course, there are pros and cons to owning a popup trailer,…
Cleaning and Repainting the Exterior Frame and Wheels of Your Popup Camper
Cleaning and Repainting the Exterior Trailer Frame and Wheels While repainting the exterior hard shell and cleaning the canvas, I decided that the trailer and wheels needed a repaint as well. After repainting the hard shell, a bright white, the rust growing on the wheels and frame didn’t look appealing. So, I decided to do…
Exterior Projects I Competed on the My Popup Camper… So Far!
Exterior Projects I Competed on the My Popup Camper Here is a list of items that I have completed on the exterior renovation of my popup camper. I have done quite a bit and the change is drastic but I plan to do more. I also added my list of projects that I intend to…
How to Paint the Exterior Hard Shell of Your Pop-up Camper
How to Paint the Exterior Hard Shell of Your Pop-up Camper In this tutorial, I will show you the tips and techniques I used to paint my 1994 StarCraft Popup Camper. Before I get into the dirty stuff, I want to provide a list, that helped me stay on track and allow the paint to…
How to Clean and Care for Your Popup Camper’s Exterior
How to Clean and Care for Your Popup Camper’s Exterior Cleaning and caring for your popup camper’s exterior components are not as bad as you think. Regularly maintaining important key items like the canvas, vinyl, or hard sides will ensure your popup camper will last longer. There are many components involved with the popup camper’s…
10 Items to Buy at Dollar Tree for Camping in Your Popup Camper
Here is our list of the top 10 items I prefer to buy at Dollar Tree for our popup camper and simplify our trip. Dollar Tree offers a unique assortment for those on a budget. Though we love to buy other items at Dollar Tree like eating utensils and paper goods, to name a few….
Popup Camper Mods: Tension Rod Wire Shelving Unit
Pictures to Come!!! Look for Tutorial on YouTube Coming Soon! As I struggled for more space in the popup camper, I turned to Pinterest for ideas. On more than one occasion I saw this easy-to-make Tension Rod Wire Shelving Unit, that looked fast and cheap to make. But I had to ask myself was it…
1994 StarCraft Standard Series Stardust 1021 Quick Overview
This PUP (popup) is a Standard Series Stardust 1021 with Options. It states it is 21’ long and 6’3” wide with a height of 9’ tall. The weight is 1420 lbs. It suggests that it sleeps 8 people. It is mainly made of canvas. The main colors are tan with an aqua green border, with…
What To Do When Camping Season is Over
Aww, the camper is put away and winterized, but you still have the ‘camping blues.’ For me, I struggle with this every winter season. Living in Kansas we never know when our camping season starts or ends and what ‘old man winter’ will bring us. If you’re like me, your will miss your vacationer and…