Disney World Extends Theme Park Hours
We knew it was coming! Disney as announced they are extending theme park hours for Walt Disney World. As reported earlier, Disney extended their hours into May and early this year, yet again they extended them into late May and early June. We do also believe there will be a few more extensions to the hours as summer approaches and crowds get busier.
Let’s look at the changes!
Animal Kingdom
- May 21, 26: Park hours extended 8am to 7pm (previously 9am to 7pm)
- May 27: Park hours extended 8am to 8pm (previously 9am to 7pm)
No changes! (9 am to 9pm)
Hollywood Studios
- May 21-25: Park hours extended 8:30am to 9:30pm (previously 8:30am to 9pm)
- May 26-28: Park hours extended 8:30am to 10pm (previously 8:30am to 9pm)
- May 29 – June 3: Park hours extended 8:30am to 9:30pm (previously 8:30am to 9pm)
Magic Kingdom
- May 22, 25-27, 30-31: Park hours extended 9am to 11pm (previously 9am to 10pm)
- June 2: Park hours extended 9am to 11pm (previously 9am to 10pm)